How much YouTube Pay with Monetization and Sponsors earning; Full Tutorials | Paki tell

 Do you make YouTube videos? Are your hard work and hours of effort paying off? Well, if not - this article is for you.

What to monetize:

There are many ways to make money with YouTube. Some of us make videos and post them up there hoping we will get enough views so we can make some money out of it or buy that new camera we always wanted to have without having to save the price from our own pocket. This might work for a few people but considering how incredibly fast the Internet changes itself, this isn't very probable unless you're already kind of famous (like having millions upon millions of subscribers) or you know exactly what you do on your channel. For instance, my channel was dedicated only to Minecraft and I wouldn't make any money out of it even if it reached 5 million subscribers and people watched me play Minecraft for hours on end.

Well, first thing first:

 How exactly does one make the money? There are many options and we're going to discuss all of them here.

Before we start:

 Monetization is not for everyone! If you don't want your videos monetized make sure you read YouTube's policy about advertising before signing up for a sponsorship.

Some more important information:-

The minimum age to make a contract with Google is 13 (fun fun fun). -All videos will be reviewed by an actual human being before they can make money with ads or sponsorships. This might take a few days and this means no money for you during this time. -Bear in mind that Google might make changes to the terms of your contract upon certain events which means you'll have to make your channel comply with these rules or else no more monetization.


 This is the most common way people make money on YouTube, it's also the default if you don't do anything about it so let's go through this one first. What is AdSense? You sign up for an Adsense account (don't worry it's free) and then place ads on your videos that make money thanks to click-throughs. The more views you get, the more ads are shown (obviously) allowing you to make money out of them by getting paid per thousand views.

How to make sure you make money with Adsense?

 Setting up your account is easy, make sure when you make a video make it in 16:9 format which is the standard size for widescreen videos, and make sure you put in relevant ads when making them (or even make the whole video dedicated to showing off an ad). When posting your video make sure to include your Adsense ID (which is listed right under the monetization tab seen below) and make sure this ID has been inserted into your advertiser/publisher section. You can't use someone else's ID! Also, make sure that if you're going through custom thumbnails they're made by yours truly - otherwise, Google won't recognize them as official ads.

Don't make this mistake! If you make your video unlisted make sure you monetize it because people won't be able to see them otherwise.

How much can I make with monetization?

 Well, there are many factors that affect how much money you'd make out of ads but the basic idea is that for every thousand views you make $2-$5 depending on the country, sometimes even more than this. Now if only one person would watch your video with an ad this obviously wouldn't work since one view isn't enough to make money out of it. But... How do I make more people watch my ads? There are two ways to make your videos watched by more people: - You make better content which will attract more viewers (which might make you make money if they click on your ads) - You make more content which will make your videos watched by more people since there are more of them allowing for people to click on the ads.


Sponsorships might be very good for certain things but not so much for others. The general idea is that if your video is dedicated to showing off a product, company, or service then it would make sense to make some money out of this since sponsorships are usually cheap compared to how much you can make with them (compared to what we're going to discuss next at least). What's important here is that sponsors aren't just random people who want their adverts all over YouTube, most of them choose channels depending on how many subscribers they have or how many views videos get. This means that you need to make a lot of good content before you even think about asking for sponsors since if your channel is small then chances are that these people will ignore your application.

Asking for the sponsorship:

 I've said it already but make sure that you make good content, not low-quality crap which would make no sense to monetize plus make a video showing off what you can do and make sure you tell them about your dislikes if any. After this make sure to tell them all the information needed in order for them to make a decision on whether they want to sponsor your video or not (plus add how much money each view costs). Make sure that everything is written clearly and make sure to put a disclaimer explaining that this isn't a "pay to win" video (meaning that if you make them pay then you get more viewers or subscribers).

How much can I make? 

If you make good content chances are that sponsors will come knocking at your door but like I said before make sure your channel is big enough for this, also make sure it's possible for the company to make money out of sponsoring you since their goal is about making money after all. Also, make sure to read each sponsor contract carefully before signing it because some might not allow you to make certain types of videos (or videos in general) which could be problematic... But once again there are many factors here so it's impossible to calculate how much can you make with this.


 So let's say that you make a video and people watch it but they don't click on the ad (either by accident or not wanting to make money out of your content). Well, they still made money out of your content since now you make money depending on how many views each video has. This is very good for those who make long videos (or let plays, reviews, etc.) as well as those who make good content but make too few videos like one every month or so. The more time goes by the more ads you'll see since they're all calculated at the end of each month and then added up together to make an amount that equals how much you'll get paid. Now unlike sponsors, you have to make sure that people are watching your ads since you only get paid if they do. Also make sure that these people make money out of the ads, meaning make sure you make content that attracts their viewers.

How much can I make?

 There is no limit to how much you make per month but... Like I said before make sure the amount of views each video has is big enough for them to make any sense. How much money will it cost me? Like with sponsorships this could be very cheap or very expensive depending on who's sponsoring you and how many views each ad gets (and where are they located). The best way to do this would be to contact companies yourself since there are some who allow anyone without a huge channel to make money this way.

How much will I make per month?

 Like with sponsorships you'll make an amount at the end of each month depending on how many views each video has which equals how much money you'd get paid for them (plus the price of the sponsor itself). There is no limit to how much can you make but most likely it will be based on your location and if you're doing something that someone might want to advertise or not. Also, make sure that if there are ads before or mid-video they won't mess with your content, and make sure people don't skip them, otherwise, these advertisers would go away and so would your income source. Fortunately, YouTube doesn't allow people to skip ads altogether so the chance of this happening is pretty unlikely.

What kind of videos make the best money?

 This depends on what you make and how big your channel is... But in general, these are the most likely to make good money through ads: tutorials, reviews, lets plays, etc.

- Make a video showing off what you can do and make sure to tell them about any dislikes if any. After that make sure to explain all the information needed and let them make a decision whether they want to sponsor/make an ad for your video or not (and explain how much money each view costs - plus add how much it would cost if they pay per view). Make sure everything's written clearly as well as add a disclaimer that this isn't a "guarantee" to make money out of your video.

- Make sure to make something worth watching, actually, make it worth their while (meaning make them make more money than they spent on the ad). Make sure this will attract their viewers and that you don't make anything offensive or bad that would make people skip the ad or look for other choices if possible.

- Make sure to contact companies yourself since there are some who allow anyone without a huge channel to make money this way (and might not be willing to pay someone with high monthly views). Also, make sure you're well known enough so that at least a few people might click on the ads, otherwise, they'd go away and so would your income source.


 To conclude making videos is great when you make the right content at the right time and with the right company. Since it's your passion make sure to make something worth watching, actually make it worth their while (meaning make them make more money than they spent on the ad). Make sure this will attract their viewers and that you don't make anything offensive or bad that would make people skip the ad or look for other choices if possible. Last but not least, make contact yourself since there are some companies that allow anyone without a huge channel to make money this way.

What is basically a sponsor?

Sponsorships are basically people who pay you to show off their product in front of others - or better said they pay you to advertise themselves. Unlike ads from YouTube these sponsors might not be as big as companies but they are still worth it. The only problem about this is that you'd make money out of views instead of money per click or anything like that.


To conclude sponsorships are great when you make the right content and show off things that people might want to see or use themselves. Since it's your passion make sure to make something worth watching and actually make it worth their while (meaning make them make more money than they soured on the ad). Make sure this will attract their viewers and that you don't make anything offensive or bad that would make people skip the ad or look for other choices if possible. You can also contact these "sponsors" yourself since not all of them will accept your channel as a make-money choice.

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