How to start Amazon Affiliate/Associate and Earn money | Paki tell

    It is very easy to earn money online by selling items on Amazon. All you have to do is go through the process of signing up for an account with Amazon Associates, choose your product categories and earn up to 10% commission on each sale generated from your website!

How to Start

Step 1: Go to  

Step 2: Click the button "Join now for free"

Step 3: Fill out your personal information, sign up for an Associates account, and check all of your email folders for a message that says "Welcome to's Associate Program"

Step 4: You are ready to earn money online by selling items on Amazon! Sign in, and go to the link "Your Account" on the top right side of any Amazon webpage.

Step 5: Click "Account Settings" from the drop-down menu

Step 6: Click "Add/Manage websites" under Associates Program Management

Step 7: Add your blog or website by filling out the form; make sure it's a legitimate site and it's something you own! If you don't, these links will not be approved.  

Step 8: You earn money online by selling items on Amazon! Once your site is approved, go to the "Settings" tab and fill out your payment information. Get paid $1.00 for each person who signs up for Amazon after clicking on a link from your site!

Step 9: It is that easy to earn money online by selling items on Amazon. Sign up, add a website and earn money with the world's biggest source for shopping! Good luck and have fun earning money online today!


Amazon Associates is a business owned by Amazon that allows you to earn money online by selling items on All it takes is going through the process of signing up for an account with Amazon Associates, choosing your product categories and earn up to 10% commission on each sale generated from your website! Signing up for a Associates account is free and all you have to do is go to and click the button "Join now for free".

Filling out your personal information, signing up for a Associates account, and checking all of your email folders for a message that says "Welcome to's Associate Program" will earn you $1.00 as an initial payment from Amazon! Once your site is approved, go to the "Settings" tab and fill out your payment information. Get paid $1.00 for each person who signs up for Amazon after clicking on a link from your website! It is easy to earn money online by selling items on Amazon.

Sign up, add a website and earn money with the world's biggest source for shopping! Good luck and have fun earning money online today. If you would like, the author can include an "About The Author" section at the end of your article so readers will know who wrote the piece.

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