How to earn money with Event Blogging | Full Tutorial | Paki tell


 There are many different ways to make money online, some are easier than others while some seem harder at first glance.

One of the easiest ways is to start event blogging or event tweeting if you do not own a blog yet. Event blogging is easy because it only requires you to visit an upcoming event, take photos, and write about your thoughts on the event via your laptop, tablet, or smartphone. So you will not have to spend too much money on physical equipment which you might need for another online business idea.

Event blogging is a good choice if you are searching for ways to make money online because there is a high demand for quality content in this niche. If you are not very confident about your writing skills but you still want to earn some money online, event blogging is a great way for you to start earning.

How to Start

You can start making money from your very first blog post if you offer valuable content and add at least one affiliate link which you can add later on after the page has been indexed by search engines. If you do not know how to make money with affiliate links, it is very easy if you simply use Google AdSense or a similar service because it will be your first source of earnings.

Earning per DAY

Event blogging can earn you more than three hundred bucks per day if you are consistent and dedicated enough. The only downside to earning thousands of dollars per month is that some events like music festivals are very short in duration, which means that you need to blog about multiple events per day for this online business idea to work.

Therefore it is best if you start event blogging on a semi-professional level by finding at least five good events near your city every day of the week. Once you have built up your online reputation, you can then ask event organizers to send you a press pass or a free ticket for any upcoming events that you might want to blog about.


But before you start your first event blogging business, make sure that you have some cash on hand as well as a fast internet connection because those things are what will determine how successful your online business idea will be.

Article summary [in bulleted list format, for easy skimming]:

- Event blogging is an online business idea that anyone can start with very little initial investment.

- Event blogging only requires a laptop, tablet, or smartphone which you probably already have.

- Event blogging can earn you thousands of dollars per month if you are consistent and dedicated enough.

- The downside of earning thousands of dollars per month is that you need to blog about multiple events per day.

- Before starting your first event blogging business, make sure that you have some cash on hand as well as a fast internet connection.

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